Professor James Leedy former chair of the Kansas City Art Institute Sculpture Department. The studio included a foundry.


BILL BARMINSKI Artist Los Angeles             Images & video courtesy of the artist



National Geographic • Breakthrough Series • 2017 Barminski created animation sequences for the  CURING CANCER episode Directed by UCLA alumni Ana Lily Amirpour.

Green Plastic Businessmen

Recent Kick Starter

The first sculpture in this series is "Club Man" and one of these limited edition of 25 sculptures can be yours for supporting this campaign. 

The Set. "Club Man" is one of six sculptures that will form the basis of my next show which will include these 12" sculptures, photo real large format paintings of said sculptures and the smaller bag of 3" tall green plastic businessmen. And who knows, I may even create a set of life sized sculptures or do a small edition in bronze.

Bill Barminski (born November 26, 1962) is an American Artist who creates artwork with diverse media including painting, cardboard, music videos, video installation, music composition and interactive formats. He has shown his artwork in solo exhibitions at galleries in Los Angeles and New York since 1990 including a billboard on the corner of Sunset Blvd Absolut Barminski.  Barminski has a band and has been director of music videos including a gold record for his work on “Everybody’s Free” (the Sunscreen Song). Barminski currently teaches students in the Lab for New Media at UCLA where he has been a visiting professor since 1997.




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